PhD positions at Universität Hamburg

PhD positions at Universität Hamburg

Hamburg Research Training Group (RTG2583) "Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications"

Pubblicato: 18 febbraio 2020 | Internazionale

The Hamburg Research Training Group (RTG2583) "Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications" invites applications for nine research associates (PhD students), where the positions may be filled
from April 1, 2020, or later. The salary is in accordance with the German public service at salary level E13 TV-L, with 75% of the standard working hours per week. The positions are on fixed-term contracts for a period of three years.

We are looking for highly motivated team players, who have a sound background in applied mathematics, with expertise in at least one of the RTG's research areas Modeling, Simulation, or Optimization. Preference is given to candidates with profound experience in relevant applications in engineering, medicine, or meteorology. For details concerning the RTG's research profile, refer to the website https://www.c3s.uni-, in particular for the PhD projects of the research areas M, S, and O. Applicants are requested to follow the instructions in the job announcement, especially for the required application material. The job announcement will be open until all nine PhD positions are filled, but the first round of decisions will be made shortly after the first deadline of February 29, 2020.