Progetti di ricerca
0-Dimensional Schemes, Tensor Theory, and Applications
PRIN 2022 E2Z4AK - CUP J53D23003750006 - Local Coordinator: Alessandro Gimigliano
ALTOP - ALgebraic and TOPological combinatorics
PRIN 2022 A7L229 - CUP J53D23003660006 - PI: Luca Moci
Boltzmann Machines beyond the "independent identically distributed" Paradigm: a Mathematical Physics Approach
PRIN 2022 B5LF52 - CUP J53D23003690006 - PI: Pierluigi Contucci
HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 / Key people: Simonetta Abenda, Silvia Benvenuti, Emanuele Latini
COST Action / WG2 group leader: Simonetta Adenda
Curves, Ricci flat Varieties and their Interactions
PRIN Project 2020 · PI and local coordinator: Giovanni Mongardi
DAT - Definable Algebraic Topology
European Research Council ERC-2022-STG - Project: 101077154 / PI: Martino Lupini / 2023-2027
Entropy Martingale Optimal Transport and McKean-Vlasov equations
PRIN 2022 K28KB7 - CUP J53D23003800006 - Local Coordinator: Andrea Pascucci
FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research / Spoke 8 "Pervasive AI"
Partenariato esteso PNRR - Participant: Giacomo De Palma
Geometry and topology of manifolds
PRIN 2022 NMPLT8 - CUP J53D23003820001 - Local Coordinator: Stefano Francaviglia
Geometry of Algebraic Structures: Moduli, Invariants, Deformations
PRIN 2022 BTA242 - CUP J53D23003720006 - Local Coordinator: Antonella Grassi
GOSSIP - Greedy Optimal Sampling for Solar Inverse Problems
PRIN2022 HFB32T - CUP J53C24002570001 - Local Coordinator: Silvia Tozza
HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing / Spoke 10 "Quantum Computing"
ICSC - Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing / Participant: Giacomo De Palma
IPIS - Inverse Problems in the Imaging Sciences
PRIN 2022 ANC8HL - CUP J53D23003670006 - Local Coordinator: Serena Morigi
Learning math in prison: educational design in context of multi-complexity
PRIN 2022 3F9SRE - CUP J53D23011160001 - PI/RL: Andrea Maffia
LeQun - understanding the LEarning process of QUantum Neural networks
PRIN 2022 WHZ5XH - CUP J53D23003890006 - PI: Giacomo De Palma
LiBERA - Stochastic interacting systems: Limiting Behavior, Evaluation, Regularity and Applications
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 - Project: 101183168 / Coordinator: UNIBO Stefano Pagliarani
Liquidity and systemic risks in centralized and decentralized markets
PRIN 2022 7TCX5W - CUP J53D23004130006 - PI: Fabrizio Lillo
Low-rank Structures and Numerical Methods in Matrix and Tensor Computations and their Application
PRIN 2022 7PCCKZ - CUP J53D23003620006 - PI: Valeria Simoncini
NMR-IMPRV NMR relaxation tools for improving and protecting quality of dairy products
HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 - Project: 101131564 - Local Coordinator: Fabiana Zama
NO^3 - Nodal Optimization, NOnlinear elliptic equations, NOnlocal geometric problems, with a focus on regularity
PRIN 2022 R537CS - CUP J53D23003850006 - Local Coordinator: Eleonora Cinti
Pattern formation in nonlinear phenomena
PRIN 2022 7HX33Z - CUP J53D23003610006 - Local Coordinator: Fausto Ferrari
Regularity problems in sub-Riemannian structures
PRIN 2022 F4F2LH - CUP J53D23003760006 - PI: Giovanna Citti
Statistical Mechanics of Learning Machines: from algorithmic and information-theoretical limits to new biologically inspired paradigms
PRIN 2022 9T9EAT - CUP J53D23003640001 - PI: Daniele Tantari
Symplectic varieties: their interplay with Fano manifolds and derived categories
PRIN 2022 PEKYBJ - CUP J53D23003840006 - PI: Giovanni Mongardi
MMVS - The Mathematics and Mechanics of Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Solids
PRIN 2022 P5R22A - CUP J53D23002350006 - Local Coordinator: Andrea Mentrelli
TOC4Deep Tensor-based Optimal Control approaches for Deep Learning
UNA Europa Seed Funding - DIGITALIZED! PI Davide Palitta
UNA-Random Mathematics of random complex systems: theory, computation and applications
UNA Europa Seed Funding - Project Coordinator: Stefano Pagliarani
Progetti conclusi
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