Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Contributi in riviste, atti di convegno, volumi, libri, curatele, brevetti dei membri del Dipartimento.
Grassi, Antonella, On a question of J. Kollár., in: Classification of algebraic varieties, Providence, RI, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 1994, pp. 209 - 214 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
NUCCI, Maria Clara, Iterating the nonclassical symmetries method, «PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA», 1994, 78, pp. 124 - 134 [Articolo in rivista]
N. H. Ibragimov; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Integration of third order ordinary differential equations by Lie's method: equations admitting three-dimensional Lie algebras, «LIE GROUPS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS», 1994, 1, pp. 49 - 64 [Articolo in rivista]
Catalisano M.V.; Gimigliano A., On curvilinear subschemes of P2, «JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA», 1994, 93, pp. 1 - 14 [Articolo in rivista]
Geramita A.V.; Gimigliano A.; Harbourne B., Projectively normal but superabundant embeddings of rational surfaces in projective space, «JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA», 1994, 169, pp. 791 - 804 [Articolo in rivista]