Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Contributi in riviste, atti di convegno, volumi, libri, curatele, brevetti dei membri del Dipartimento.
P. Albano, The singularities of the distance function near convex boundary points, «NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS», 2009, 16, pp. 273 - 281 [Articolo in rivista]
P. Albano; A. Bove; G. Chinni, Minimal Microlocal Gevrey Regularity for "Sums of Squares", «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2009, 12, pp. 2275 - 2302 [Articolo in rivista]
F. Colombo ; D. Guidetti, Identification of the memory kernel in the strongly damped wave equation by a flux condition, «COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS», 2009, 8, pp. 601 - 620 [Articolo in rivista]
D. Guidetti, Partial reconstruction of the source term in a linear parabolic initial value problem, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2009, 355, pp. 796 - 810 [Articolo in rivista]
B. Franchi; M.C. Tesi, Faraday's form and Maxwell's equations in the Heisenberg group, «MILAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2009, 77, pp. 245 - 270 [Articolo in rivista]
G. Fernández-Alcober; M. Morigi, Generalizing a theorem of P. Hall on finite-by-nilpotent groups, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 137, pp. 425 - 429 [Articolo in rivista]
L.B. Montefusco; D. Lazzaro; S. Papi, Nonlinear Filtering for Sparse Signal Recovery From Incomplete Measurements, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING», 2009, 57, pp. 2494 - 2502 [Articolo in rivista]
G. C. Barozzi; G. Dore; E. Obrecht, Elementi di Analisi Matematica - Volume 1, BOLOGNA, Zanichelli, 2009, pp. 496 . [Monografia/Trattato scientifico in forma di libro]
F. Brini, On the flame structure in multi-temperature mixture theory, «RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA», 2009, 58, pp. 63 - 76 [Articolo in rivista]
E. Agliardi; R. Agliardi, Zrownowazony rozwoj w niestabilinych gospodarkach, in: Contemporary Issues in Economy, TORUN, PTE Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2009, pp. 29 - 31 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
R. Dieci; F. Westerhoff, Stability analysis of a cobweb model with market interactions, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION», 2009, 215 (n. 6), pp. 2011 - 2023 [Articolo in rivista]
F. Tramontana; L. Gardini; R. Dieci; F. Westerhoff, The Emergence of Bull and Bear Dynamics in a Nonlinear Model of Interacting Markets, «DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY», 2009, 2009, doi:10.1155/2009/310471, pp. 1 - 30 [Articolo in rivista]
C. Chiarella; R. Dieci; X.-Z. He, Heterogeneity, Market Mechanisms, and Asset Price Dynamics, in: T. HENS; K. R. SCHENK-HOPPE, Handbook of Financial Markets: Dynamics and Evolution, AMSTERDAM, North-Holland, Elsevier, 2009, pp. 277 - 344 (Handbooks in Finance) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
A. Lanza; L. Di Stefano; L. Soffritti, Bayesian Order-Consistency Testing with Class Priors Derivation for Robust Change Detection, in: Proceedings of the 2009 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), WASHINGTON, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp. 460 - 465 (atti di: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Genova, September 02-04 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
G. Barbella; F. Perotti; V. Simoncini, A numerical procedure for the dynamic response of tall buildings subject to turbulent wind excitation, in: 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Firenze, 19-23 Luglio 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
A. Lanza; L. Di Stefano, On-Line Learning of Background Appearance Changes for Robust Background Subtraction, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-09), STEVENAGE, IET, 2009, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 3rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-09), Londra (UK), 3 December 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
M.A. Boschetti; V. Maniezzo; M. Roffilli; A. Bolufé Röhler, Matheuristics: Optimization, Simulation and Control, in: Hybrid Metaheuristics, BERLIN / HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2009, pp. 171 - 177 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
p. contucci; s. starr, Thermodynamic Limit for Spin Glasses. Beyond the Annealed Bound., «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 135, pp. 1159 - 1170 [Articolo in rivista]
P.Contucci; C.Giardina; C. Giberti, Interaction-Flip identities in Spin Glasses, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 135, pp. 1181 - 1199 [Articolo in rivista]
P.Contucci; C.Giardina; C.Giberti; G.Parisi; C. Vernia, On the Structure of Correlations in the Three Dimensional spin Glasses, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2009, 103, pp. 17201 - 17204 [Articolo in rivista]